Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I want you and love you.
Well I was speaking to my ex and apparently looks like we might end up getting back together who knows.Man if we do that would so make my day!
Monday, February 15, 2010
I'm donee.!
Finally I'm done with all that dumb homework.Well my social studies essay was 3 pages. And my math was 2 pages.Gosh I feel so relieved.OH Lord I hate school.
Well It's like 11:23 in the morning and for some odd reason I'm doing homework. Although I don''t want to do it I have to because it's pretty long and it's two projects. On is social studies dealing with Global Interaction.For example when the United Stated conquered Louisiana and Spanish places or what not. Boring much? Absolutely! Second project is for math. We have to do a raft which is like a story but it has to be on zeros, integers, absolute numbers ,and stuff so yeah. Ugh I don't feel like doing it but because tomorrow I don't have school I want to take that time to relax. Well I better get back to this or might just end up quitting. Bye.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Can't sleep.
Ugh I can't sleep. I'm still stuck on the timothy issue. The no valentine issue. And being a dork issue. Life isn't so easy. Combining my school life and personal life just equals stress. I have no time to make friends because if I'm not helping others I'm using up the little time to help my self. I wish I can just sit back relax with the boy I love and everything would just happen the way it should. I swear humans are the reason and cause of global warming(of course we are)!
Reasons I have no time for life:
1. If I'm not at school I'm at home baby sitting 5 days a week.
2. My school gives me reports to do everyday.
3. The creature I call mother never lets me hang out with creatures I call friends (supposedly)
4. I'm way to lazy to do anything.
5. The one I love is far gone.
See now I can make all this change.But if I do.Then I would just be considered one of those brats who annoy adults or are judged before being met.I just hate when people judge me without knowing me.See I have this thing called karma. If someone calls me ugly or dumb then your future baby will come out ugly and dumb.That's just how life works. Sometimes I can just walk down the street and I'll have a girl starring me down.Just like at me from head to toe in a not so friendly manner.Sheesh people and there eye problems now days huh.!Anyways I don't care cause when I become a celebrity and rich and famous those who judged me and laughed at me are going to be the ones who are embarrassed.
Well have you guys ever had those times that you picture scenarios in your head.That you probably know isn't going to happen or it's a dream you want to make happen.Well that's me right now.Although I believe in my dreams. I have to sometimes escape them also.If I think too much about it I might end up crazy. I don't want to end up in one of those white rooms with a straight jacket. Creepy. But here's the catch I might move to Flordia which is great,but what if I move there and Timothy already moved on. What if he already has a girlfriend and has a new life.Now that's where reality hits me. I need to sometimes steep out of that circle called my world.It's not like Timothy is always going to be there waiting for me till he's 50.If he did though that would be so But emm' yeah. I have no chose but to start thinking more maturly about love and life
Remember: Love, Peace and Chicken Grease.
Reasons I have no time for life:
1. If I'm not at school I'm at home baby sitting 5 days a week.
2. My school gives me reports to do everyday.
3. The creature I call mother never lets me hang out with creatures I call friends (supposedly)
4. I'm way to lazy to do anything.
5. The one I love is far gone.
See now I can make all this change.But if I do.Then I would just be considered one of those brats who annoy adults or are judged before being met.I just hate when people judge me without knowing me.See I have this thing called karma. If someone calls me ugly or dumb then your future baby will come out ugly and dumb.That's just how life works. Sometimes I can just walk down the street and I'll have a girl starring me down.Just like at me from head to toe in a not so friendly manner.Sheesh people and there eye problems now days huh.!Anyways I don't care cause when I become a celebrity and rich and famous those who judged me and laughed at me are going to be the ones who are embarrassed.
Well have you guys ever had those times that you picture scenarios in your head.That you probably know isn't going to happen or it's a dream you want to make happen.Well that's me right now.Although I believe in my dreams. I have to sometimes escape them also.If I think too much about it I might end up crazy. I don't want to end up in one of those white rooms with a straight jacket. Creepy. But here's the catch I might move to Flordia which is great,but what if I move there and Timothy already moved on. What if he already has a girlfriend and has a new life.Now that's where reality hits me. I need to sometimes steep out of that circle called my world.It's not like Timothy is always going to be there waiting for me till he's 50.If he did though that would be so But emm' yeah. I have no chose but to start thinking more maturly about love and life
Remember: Love, Peace and Chicken Grease.
Life is so beautiful and evil at the same time.
Why is it when life gives you something so precious it takes it away the very next minute?Is it because we don't know how to cherish or love it as much as God wants us to? Who knows. Valentines day is tomorrow. I don't have a valentine so that's really nothing new. Although I wish I can ask a certain boy to be my valentine I won't.Why? because he probably has a gf already or he probably moved on. Why do we celebrate valentines day anyway.Its not like everyone actually loves this day.I mean not all people have dates or valentines or anything of that nature. Ugh is not like everyone loves certain person back right.Man I feel so freaking depressed. But that's why I have all my plushies. :) They listen to me.
Boys Boys Boys.
Boys. Where do I begin with them. My life is complicated enough but apparently the situation of boys had to join in the group. Right now I'm caught between two boys. Unfortunately one is my ex. His name is Timothy. We've known each other since like forever. Thing is I can act myself around him. No matter how weird or strange I am he's always there. I really like him. But I broke up with him first like in March of 2009. That's because I thought he wasn't really digging me. He did but I just didn't see it. So I asked him back out because then I realized he was in to me and I was letting people's opinions get to me.But the love we had was lost. I cried but got over it. Then he asked me back out. I said no. I'm tired of on and off relationships.That's just so "ehh". After a while I found out he was moving and that's when I really started to cry again. I knew I wasn't going to see him in a very long time. My heart is breaking and so is his. We both have passionate feelings for each other. At school people thought I was crazy and thought I was imagining I had a boyfriend. But I wasn't. It's just that he lived in my grandmother's building and we didn't attend the same school. Ugh life sucks when you lose the ones you love. I spent a whole day yesterday thinking about him. Like the times we use to kiss in the hallway, walk around the park holding hands, and crazy thing is my mother loved him. But he's gone. We still talk but not like we use to. Anyways now to contestant number 2. This kid I adore oh so much is actually a celebrity's child. And he is Prince Michael Jackson. I think he is so freaking hot. I know he's going through harsh times but man I wish I was his Anyways those to boys have me love struck. Why is it boys are hard to understand. One minute their romantic and when there with their friends they are just so rude and ugly.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hey you.Yeah you. Read this if you want a kick out of life. =)

Hello there earthlings. I'm Arauca [Ahh-rau-ca] but go by Audii. I'm 14 yrs old. I have dreams that you would think is strange but I would think its amazing. My life is always filled with drama. No matter how far I want to get away from it I can't. I'm addicted to fashion and strange and weird random things like me! When I get bored I mostly go online. I had a life till an idiot told me about addicting websites such as facebook,myspace,YouTube,twitter and now of course blogger. I have friends but most are teddy bears. I love making plays and making my own acts. I have a passion for drawing,writing,photography, and anything dealing with art. So yeah I don't wanna sit here on my warm computer chair blabbing about my life.So yeahh.Umm there you go stalkers. =] jk I love you guys. I love the world. Okay yeah now bye.
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